Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Geography homework, December 9, 2015

White: work for 20 minutes, striving to complete "The Amazon Rainforest" ReadWorks packet (marking up the text, answering and proving your multiple choice responses, TTQAA and providing textual evidence for the 3 short answer questions)

Red: work for 20 minutes, striving to complete the "Capoeira: Brazilian Dance" ReadWorks packet (marking up the text, answering and proving your multiple choice responses, TTQAA and providing textual evidence for the 3 short answer questions)

Blue: if you have any missing work, or if you would like to rewrite your open response, tonight is the night to do it

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Geography homework, December 8, 2015

Red: study for a quiz on "Discovery Atlas: Brazil Revealed"

White and Blue: you may complete unfinished work related to your "Saving the Amazon" text feature and oral presentation if you haven't presented yet

Monday, December 7, 2015

Geography homework, December 7, 2015

White and Blue groups: Finish your "Saving the Amazon" text feature, fill out the rubric,review the oral presentation rubric (the 4 columns) and practice your presentation

Red: study your notes for an upcoming quiz on "Discovery Atlas: Brazil Revealed"

Monday, November 16, 2015

Geography homework, November 16, 2015

Work for 20 minutes to add important details to your three vocabulary pages (domesticate, subduction, subsistence). Access to a dictionary is necessary and expected. If you need extra help, I would suggest stopping by my room from 8:15-8:30 tomorrow morning.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

World Geography open response homework for red group, November 12, 2015

"The Geography and Cultures of South America: Volume 1 and 2" Open Response

Geographical Regions of South America

The Andes Mountain Range and the Amazon River Basin are two notable geographical regions defining this continent.  Choose one and describe four of the most unique and unifying features this region has to offer.

This should be a rough draft ready for sharing in class tomorrow.

Monday, November 2, 2015

SSR/AR homework, 5 days per week, Monday through Friday

Follow the Daily Reading Journal directions using the template you were given today. Log your daily reading of a literature book of your choosing. Read for a minimum of 15 minutes at school and 15 minutes at home. Summarize the day's reading as an entry in your journal.
Due Wednesday: review the journal expectations with your family, have a parent sign the direction sheet, and show it to your homeroom teacher on Wednesday morning.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Addendum: Geography homework, October 28, 2015, Red group only

Additional homework for the red group:
Finish annotating the "Reasons for Regions" reading and look critically at the writing. Can you find the major error in the reading? It involves the improper labeling and description of one of the three major climate regions of the world.

Geography homework, October 28, 2015

Finish your first or second draft of your theme of Place writing focused on two of the writing traits, ideas and organization. Complete the writing traits rubric(specific to ideas and organization) and hand in with your piece of informational writing tomorrow.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Geography homework, September 22, 2015

Red: No homework
White: Finish choosing 20 terms from your geo-terminology note taking; alphabetize your chosen terms on a separate piece of paper
Blue:  Finish choosing 15 to 20 terms from your geo-terminology note taking; alphabetize your chosen terms on a separate piece of paper

Monday, September 21, 2015

Geography and my Reading group's homework, September 21, 2015

Red: 25 Geo-Dictionary terms chosen and alphabetized

White: You should have 25 terms, illustrations, and examples completed in your notebook; work for 30 minutes as you strive to accomplish this goal

Blue: Work for 30 minutes on your terms note taking; you are striving for 20 terms minimum, 30 terms maximum

Reading with Mrs. D: Finish the storyboard on your chosen chapter of Maniac Magee

Monday, September 14, 2015

Geography homework, September 14, 2015

Red: Finish collecting details on your 14 term cards (term, definition, use in sentence, sketch)
White: Finish labeling your 14 term cards (work for no more than 20 minutes)
Blue: Continue working on your timeline marker (work no more than 30 minutes)

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Geography homework, September 10, 2015

Continue making progress on your timeline marker; work for 20-30 minutes (final draft for the red and white group; rough draft for the blue group).

Geography homework, September 9, 2015

Collect additional details on your topic choice (a topic you learned about in 5th grade). Be sure to have accurate dates to support your topic and details enough to write a 1 paragraph summary describing it. Cite your sources.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Geography homework, September 3, 2015

You will have 15 minutes to wrap up your final draft timeline and complete your rubric tomorrow in class. If that will not be enough time for you to finish your project, work on your final draft of the "Timeline of My Life" for 20-25 minutes tonight. Eventually, we will share one timeline idea in class tomorrow so consider which event you will choose.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Geography homework, September 1, 2015

Work for 20-25 minutes.
Add 10-15 detailed and varied events to the Personal Events list you started to create in class. Ask family members for stories or details related to your choices.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Geography homework, Tuesday, February 24, 2015

In your notebook, provide a written summary of Alice's and Flora's life and choices in paragraph form. This is rough draft writing. Be prepared to share in class tomorrow. No homework slip is necessary.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Geography class work and homework for February 10-12, 2015

There is no written homework this week. The 6th grade is participating in (and overseeing school-wide) a bookmark making challenge meant to create as many of these thoughtful handmade gifts as possible. This bookmark-athon is also raising awareness about and funds for students struggling to learn to read and having access to appropriate reading materials in places like Peru, Latin America and Mali, Africa. 
Classwork and homework this week centers around making bookmarks. Students should bring their creative ideas for bookmark making into their geography classes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. We will also work to create them with our 2nd grade buddies during our inquiry block on Friday afternoon. 
Students: share our project with your families (definitely do it) and make extra bookmarks at home (only if you want to).  
Parents: ask your students about the details of this unique 'pay it forward' community service project. 

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Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Geography class work and homework for February 3 - 6, 2015

Class work and homework for Tuesday - Friday, February 3-6, 2015
1. Pay special attention to the expectations and text feature example provided on your direction sheet.
2. You should be reading and re-reading the seven brief overviews of Africa and Eastern Africa.
3. Annotate (make written connections to the text) with each overview.
4. As you read and make connections to the text, consider a text feature (visual and written interpretation of written information) that would best enhance (offer a deeper understanding of the text) the content of each overview.
5. Create a rough draft example of your chosen text feature in your notebook. With time, create rough drafts text features for each of the seven overviews.
6. On-task time commitments:
    In class - 95% of the time or better
    Homework - spend 20-30 minutes making further progress each night
7. In class on Thursday:
   *  Continue to refer to all available classroom resources during this activity
   *  Finish your annotations and text feature rough drafts for all seven overviews.
   *  Follow the directions on the text feature rubric sheet you receive. Choose one (more    
     than one with time) text feature to convert from a rough to a final draft.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Geography homework for January 29, 2015

Use the category key we created in class to categorize the details you have collected in your "Leopards of Zanzibar" Fact File.  Work for 20 minutes, attaching appropriate category labels to each fact you collected.  Hand in a homework slip.
Category Key:
H   - History
  - Geography (see below)
SC  - Swahili Culture (see below)
GL   - Geography (location)
GR   - Geography (region)
GM  - Geography (movement - travel, transportation, trade)
SCJ   - Swahili Culture (jobs)
SCP   - Swahili Culture (Pastimes, Passions) 
SCHL  - Swahili Culture (home life)
SCR    - Swahili Culture (religion)

Monday, January 26, 2015

Geography homework for January 26, 2015

Provide the narration for the opening scenes of the episode, "Leopards of Zanzibar". Try to create and answer who, what, when, where, why and how questions based on the 5 minute visual-only excerpt (intentionally lacking sound).  Set it up as a 4-6 sentence paragraph introducing the video we will watch together on Wednesday.  Hand in a homework slip.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

Geography homework for January 14, 2015

Organize all of your South America materials in a separate folder to keep in your locker or desk.

Geography homework for January 13, 2015

Choose 3 of the locations from your mapping direction sheet (political and/or physical) to relatively locate and share two facts about each (from your notes and recollections).

Geography homework for January 12, 2015

Answer the 1st essential question (Why do so many people living in western South America still speak the native language of Quechua today?) in your notebook using an open response format. Hand in a homework slip during homeroom tomorrow.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Geography homework for January 5, 2015

Red group: continue marking up the text titled, "Incas: The Land of the Four Quarters" and work for 10 minutes on answering questions 1-10. Be sure to include proof of each correct answer. No need to fill out a homework slip; just bring your work to class.
White group: finish marking up the text titled, "Incas: The Land of the Four Quarters"